Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Triangle Relationship - What a mess i got into.


In a messy relationship and almost reaching the 3 year mark. First 2 years of the relationship was a bliss and utter happiness. As a third party appeared, my partner found another interested party. it slowly gravitated towards an offical long distance relationship for the 3rd member.

Honestly, we are in an open relationship. Because i have my own short comings and it would be unfair of me to stop him from the usual things that makes him happy and vice versa. We would often talk about it and i tease him about him having a mistress. But never did i realise that it would take so much his time from me and i would feel such a huge change in who i fell in love with turning into someone whom i am slowly falling out of love with.

I could say part of it is my fault for letting him have his way. Part of it is his for not having the balls to own up to his mistake and still want to have it his way to have both of us. Not everything is as simple as giving it time and letting it resolve itself. Relationships problems are not something you can solve by being passive.

Being in a blissfull relationship and suddenly having a drastic change is unsettling. Before that I have undivided attention and now I feel like I am sharing whatever left over time he has left after spending time interacting with the mistress.

In a day, his interaction with the mistress is well over the time i spend communicating with him. Imagine that he video calls the mistress at lunch lets say 30mins to an hour. Comes home, take a break and continues video call again from 9pm-1am which is 4 hours. I only get a chance for an hour at most 2 hours a day just during dinner time. Neglect was what i felt.....hurt was slowly boiling....i dont feel lucky anymore as i did before. I wanted my pain to just end.

I am lost, the person who gave me so much joy is now a topic of torment boiling under a calm surface. What have i done really to deserve this? Am i not enough that a second person is needed. Maybe i am not deserving enough for a happy relationship.