Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Its a new year! This new year for me started abit shaky as i'm bouncing in between decisions to start in a new company which will be hiring me to design games or for me to go back to another customer service job. =P heck life will be boring if i stick to what is safe all the time. So I took the challenge to live out my dream a little sooner than what I'm prepared for.

The job position I applied for is Junior Game Designer. In all honesty I'm actually doing more than that, I design the concept of the game and also design everything regarding on the art of the game. Usualy for a game you would need a game designer, 2 artist and 2 programers. So in short i'm doing 3 peoples workload with designs and artwork itself. Heck its good experience for me anyway because it makes me more adaptive. In the few weeks of work my Illustraitor skills and color sence seemed to improve compared to what i can do before and my limitaion in the usage of colors. =) happy with my growth and hope i'll improve more.

My results for my first term exams is out =D got an A for Game Studies and B for the rest of the subject. Happy with what i get and can't wait to start the new term which is in the begining of March. Everything is going well now, feels happy and perky but somehow something always tells me that all of this is too good to be true. I'll keep a backup plan just in case.

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